Sunday, October 16, 2005

We had one nice day in Salamanca, this was taken from the Roman bridge facing the town.

And this is a picture of my hostel in Toledo, yes the castle. Life is hard sometimes. Actually, it was a bit of a hike from the city so it wasn´t as convenient as it it could have been, but it was pretty.

Am in Seville at the moment, staying at a shitty hostel in the middle of whoop, whoop. Am planning on researching some other places today after I get my arse to the Cathedral. Am also trying to read Confessions of an English Opium Eater which I can only continue reading in the hope he meets a nasty end (I know he doesn´t, but maybe there is at least some pain involved?). I tried reading it when I first got to Berlin, but it reminded me too much of the person who gave it to me so I stopped. It still reminds me of them, all the parts I dearly wanted to punch in the face*. Only 50 pages left...

*It seems I am wanting to do a lot of punching at the moment, maybe that is the sum total of what I will take home from Europe, frustrated aggression.


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