Sunday, October 09, 2005

Salamanca is a university town and I think half of America has come here on exchange. Add that to the number of American tourists and you have a whole bunch of really fricking annoying people. If I hear another whiney american accent I will have to punch it in the face! I think this is steming from the horrible cow I wound up hanging out with in San Sebastian. She was actually from Canada, but to me they all sound the same. She was one of those blonde types, kind of like Cher from Clueless, but without anything nice about her. I swear to god it was like being back in high school. The problem was once you have started hanging out with someone and you are in the same room as them, you can´t really ditch them, esp as you don´t know anyone else in the town so you don´t have much excuse to bail. I wound up going to bed as early as was possible to escape her, but that was the best I could do.


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