Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Was speaking to my housemate last night, after we had shamefully both watched Sarah Conner's reality show here, Sarah and Marc in Love, Hochzeit des Jahres (think Newlyweds but one of them can't speak English, (well in this case German)). Anyway, we both had the theme song "I just started being bad" stuck in our heads, and I commented as much, and she laughed and said in Germany they say you have an Ohrwurm or 'Earworm'. Which is much cooler than English, and one of the few times you can say something in German in less words than you can in English.
I like, I like.


Blogger Guy said...

Ha ha ha Sarah Connor. Remember that song where she tried to be American, sampling Mary J. Blige. I found it amusing because for their required bling car, they had a Chrysler Crossfire. Except that Chrysler is a US brand owned and managed by Daimler (eg Mercedes-Benz), and is based ENTIRELY on the Merc SLK, and I think is built in Germany too.

SO, with my super car knowledge I was able to deduce that the sham American car nicely mirrored the sham American sound!

8/13/2005 3:37 AM  
Blogger Guy said...

Nick and Jessica have divorced, btw, at least according to NW.

8/13/2005 3:37 AM  

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